Memory and History as a Basis for Social Reconciliation in Bosnia and Hercegovina
Reconciliation Process
In October 2018, the Center for Peacebuilding in partnership with the Berghof Foundation started implementing the project “Memory and History as a Basis for Social Reconciliation in Bosnia and Hercegovina.”
The Berghof Foundation, headquartered in Berlin and Tubingen, is an independent nongovernmental organization and advocates for the promotion of peace, non-violent conflict resolution, and creating a platform for transforming conflict in post-war areas. In addition, the foundation is also a research center for issues of peace and conflict, and has also worked in various post-conflict areas such as Azerbaijan, Karabakh, Georgia, Abkhazia.
This project primarily focuses on recording and archiving the life stories of people who have a memory of the war period, as well as exchanging experiences, stories and critical reviews of trauma during workshops, in order to promote peace, emphatic understanding, and human action during the war, ultimately contributing to holistic healing. Project implementation will last two years and will take place in two cities (Prijedor and Banja Luka) and two municipalities (Sanski Most and Ključ) in the Sana River Valley.