Center for Peacebuildung has organized from 8th to 13th of July a Peace Camp. 24 young people from 10 municipalities / cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina were participants of the camp we held on CIM’s Peace Farm (Garden of Opportunities) in Sanski Most.
For our educational part of the Peace camp which were workshops who were based on identities, prejudices, stereotypes as well as peacebuilding and resources in our local communities that we need for our future peace activities. The workshops were held by CIM’s directors with the help of our external associates. They talked and learned in an experiential way about the differences between debate and dialogue. The participants became aware of the advantages of leading a dialogue and the importance of its use in conflicting, but also in everyday situations.
For the working part at the Peace camp the participants had the opportunity to clean around the farm, work in the garden and forest, and building a park in the forest.
The camp has encouraged many new ideas for future peace activities and we can proudly say that it was more than successful.
And.. it is still not the end, from the 14th of July our participants are going on the Peace Caravan throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina where we will visit cities/municipalities that are involved in the project and more, panel discussions and reception for peacebuilders.
Peace Camp and Caravan are part of the #STaRBiH project activities. STaR (Societal Transformation and Reconciliation) project is supported by USAID BiH and implemented by @Karuna Karuna Center for Peacebuilding in cooperation with PRONI Center for youth development, Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava u BiH – YIHR BiH, Mali koraci – Small Steps and @Center Center for Peacebuilding.
So stay tuned !!