With the first training held in the period from 6 to 11 September, Center for Peacebuilding officially started implementing the Youth regroup! Youth for youth in Krajina project. Through this project we want to increase the involvement of young people in advocating for their needs and interests, and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to lead local initiatives in their communities. The project covers 7 municipalities / cities in the Krajina region: Bihać, Bužim, Bosanska Krupa, Ključ, Sanski Most, Prijedor and Novi Grad. After a total of 3 trainings, youth from these municipalities will become youth leaders who will initiate social changes in their local communities, advocate for the interests of young people and coordinate the activities of youth clubs that will be established during the project.
The project is enabled thanks to the support of Bosnia and Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI), implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).