On the 27th Octobar Milena Matić held a workshop called ”Why (not) peace? in Sokolac. This activity present a replica of the two-day activity organized in Banja Luka. Through some interesting workshops the youth has get knowledge about the concept of peacebuilding, the activities that are being implemented and ways to get involved in some of them.
Milena and other Peace camp and caravan participants shared with them the experience they got attending on these activity and what motivates them to continue to work in this area.
#STaRBiH (Societal Transformation and Reconciliation) project is supported by USAID BiH and implemented by Karuna Center for Peacebuilding in cooperation with PRONI Center for youth development, Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava u BiH – YIHR BiH, Mali koraci – Small Steps and Center for Peacebuilding.’=